Making pimples disappear is no small feat.
After trying several tricks to get rid of acne, here is a new tip for you to try.
Pimples are far from being glamorous, so try this new trick to fight against acne and regain beautiful smooth skin.
1. Mix a tomato and add a tablespoon of olive oil . Shuffle well just as it should.
2. Brush your face of this mixture (no, you are not a pizza). Let it dry on your skin for a good fifteen minutes.
3. Rinse yourself with cold water.
This trick is to be used every day for an optimum result against acne . Have you tried my original tip against pimples? Did it work for you? Tell us in the comments.
Treatments against acne cost a fortune, they are binding and dry out strongly the skin. So yes, they eliminate the pimples , but at what cost?
With this trick you can eliminate your pimples for almost nothing, except the price of a simple spoon of olive oil and a tomato . Worth a try, at least you don't go broke anyway.