Today I'm telling you about my favorite miracle drink.
I named kefir. Why miracle?
Because it is thanks to this drink that the peoples of the Caucasus lived in good health for up to 110 years !
Kefir is a health and well-being concentrate. Its benefits are recognized all over the planet.
This drink has existed since ancient times and it comes from the mountainous regions of the Caucasus.
Since then, it has been passed down from generation to generation.
With its vitamins, proteins and all the good bacteria that make it up, kefir is the drink to stay healthy.
How about making it at home? Well, I reveal the recipe to you to prepare it almost for free!
Here are the multiple benefits of kefir and its easy recipe . Watch:
Kefir comes in the form of small grains that are put in a liquid with sugar and which proliferate.
There is water or milk kefir .
The first produces a light and sparkling drink thanks to its translucent grains.
The second produces a sour milky drink that resembles Bulgarian yogurt.
Water or fruit kefir is based on the fermentation of small grains in contact with sugar water.
In general, kefir grains give themselves.
It is passed down in the family or with friends. It's a tradition.
In the digital age, there are groups on social networks where you can donate your excess kefir.
And then of course, you can buy it in an organic store or on the Internet here.
- 2 tablespoons of kefir grains
- 3 tablespoons of sugar (preferably unrefined)
- 1/2 lemon, sliced
- 1 dried fig
- 1 liter of mineral water
- glass jar
- thin tea towel
- strainer
- bottle
1. Put the kefir grains in the bottom of the jar.
2. Add the sugar, lemon and fig.
3. Pour the water over it.
4. Cover the jar with the tea towel.
5. Put the lid over to close it.
6. Leave the jar at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours.
7. When the fig rises, the kefir is ready.
8. Filter the drink with the strainer.
9. Pour your kefir into the bottle.
And There you go ! Your homemade water kefir is already ready :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
All that remains is to treat yourself to this delicious and thirst-quenching drink!
You can drink kefir throughout the day, in the morning on an empty stomach and even as an aperitif.
Note that you can keep kefir fresh for up to 3 days.
You can make cures of 1 to 2 liters per day.
I drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and even as an aperitif.
For the grains, put them in the fridge to stop the fermentation.
Otherwise, you can prepare a new tour directly.
Don't have a fig? Replace it with raisins .
And don't hesitate to vary the taste:raspberry, mint, apple, banana, cucumber, pomegranate or orange...
Kefir prevents the putrefaction of food in the intestine thus facilitating digestion.
It also strengthens the intestinal flora.
Kefir was given in Russian hospitals in the 19th century to boost the immune system.
This is why it is advisable to drink at least 1 liter a day when you are sick.
Rich in vitamins and minerals, kefir is a healthy drink to consume throughout the day.
Kefir has an incredible property which is to slow down the aging of cells.
It would also act against eczema, acne and other skin problems.
And it would also be good for relieving osteoarthritis.
Does kefir make you lose weight?
Indeed, coupled with a healthy diet, it can trigger and accelerate the weight loss process.
- Never close the jar hermetically during fermentation:it would explode. I made this mistake the first time and I can tell you that not only was I scared, but I also spent 2 days recovering my kitchen.
- Always prefer unrefined sugar and organic fruits. Why ? Because kefir would capture the pesticides of the fruits to redistribute them in your future drinks.
- Do not smoke near kefir, do not touch the grains after touching a chemical.
- If the grains reduce, become slimy, no longer translucent or smell bad, it's a sign that your kefir is dying.
- Never use tap water to make your kefir. If you don't add mineral water, your kefir may die.
- Do not put too many kefir grains in the jar otherwise they may die of suffocation!