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Grandma's Recipe to STOP Diarrhea WITHOUT Medication.

Grandma s Recipe to STOP Diarrhea WITHOUT Medication.

There's nothing worse than watery diarrhea to ruin your vacation...

Bacteria, unfresh food, annoyance, diarrhea has many causes.

But the result is always the same and moreover, it hurts!

And when you're in the middle of the night, it's hard to go to a pharmacy to find medicine.

Fortunately, there is a grandmother's recipe for stopping diarrhea quickly without taking medication.

The natural remedy is to drink a drink made from apple cider vinegar and honey . Watch:

Grandma s Recipe to STOP Diarrhea WITHOUT Medication.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar

- 1 teaspoon of honey

- 1 glass of lukewarm water

How to

1. Pour the cider vinegar into the glass of water.

2. Then add the honey.

3. Stir well with a spoon.

4. Drink this drink in small quantities 6 times a day.


Grandma s Recipe to STOP Diarrhea WITHOUT Medication.

And There you go ! Thanks to this simple and effective grandmother's trick, no more diarrhea that poisons the holidays :-)

And you don't even need to buy medicine to stop it!

Easy, natural and effective, right?

This drink can be taken throughout the day by spacing out the doses.

This remedy works in case of food poisoning, gastro or tourista, for example.

On the other hand, if you are diabetic, do not add honey.

Why does it work?

Apple cider vinegar acts as a natural antibiotic, as it is a very powerful antibacterial.

It will cleanse the intestines, which is important in case of microbial diarrhea.

In other cases of diarrhea, cider vinegar and honey will replenish the intestinal flora and purify it.

Finally, as it is remineralizing, it will help you get back in shape during and after the period of diarrhea.