Are you planning on getting a manicure?
Considering the price of a manicure, it is better to make the most of it!
For this, it is important to properly prepare your nails.
Fortunately, there is a trick to soften your little skin and clean your nails thoroughly.
To do this, simply soak your nails in bicarbonate water just before your manicure . Watch:
- 1 heaped teaspoon baking soda
- bowl of hot water
1. Pour the baking soda into the bowl of hot water.
2. Mix well with a spoon.
3. Dip your fingers into the bowl.
4. Leave to act for a good ten minutes, until the water cools.
5. Rinse your fingers with cold water.
And There you go ! You now know how to properly prepare your nails before a manicure :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
You will be able to enjoy your manicure in peace!
Nails will be much easier to cut and file.
Say goodbye also to small unsightly skin all around the nails.
Ideal for having beautiful hands and pretty nails!
Warm water softens the skin all around the nails.
Small dead skin will be much easier to remove during the manicure.
As for the bicarbonate, it makes a light scrub on these small skins, it cleans the nails in depth and in addition it whitens them.