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The Magical Drink To ELIMINATE Quickly After a BIG MEAL.

The Magical Drink To ELIMINATE Quickly After a BIG MEAL.

Eat a big meal with friends?

And you don't want to gain weight after this little excess?

Ice cream, aperitif, meal with family or friends... It's true that we tend to let ourselves go easily!

And hello the little kilos that are encrusted... So what to do after a heavy meal?

Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's remedy to limit the consequences of a large and too rich meal.

The trick that works for not gaining weight is to drink a glass of lemonade after the meal .

Don't worry, this detox juice is very easy to make. All it takes is 1 lemon and 2 minutes of your time. Watch:

The Magical Drink To ELIMINATE Quickly After a BIG MEAL.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional advice
  • Why does it work?
  • Precautions

How to

1. Cut a lemon in half.

2. Squeeze it.

3. Pour the juice into a pitcher.

4. Add 2/3 fresh water.

5. Mix.

6. Drink your lemonade after your meal.


The Magical Drink To ELIMINATE Quickly After a BIG MEAL.

There you go, thanks to this lemonade you quickly eliminated fat after a hearty meal :-)

Easy, fast and economical, right? Perfect for eliminating a heavy meal!

This homemade lemonade is very thirst-quenching and aids digestion.

Not only is it ideal when it's hot, but it also has only 29 small calories.

It really is the ideal ally for your silhouette!

Additional advice

- You can prepare more for the whole family to enjoy, but the main thing is to always keep the following ratio:1/3 lemon to 2/3 fresh water.

- Avoid sweetening it so as not to overload your stomach. If you really can't stand the tartness of lemon, just add a dash of honey.

- You can add a few ice cubes if you want to drink your homemade lemonade chilled.

Why does it work?

The many virtues of lemon juice to eliminate fat are well established.

Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C and pectin which is a soluble dietary fiber.

It is also rich in quercetin, limonene, antioxidants and calcium.

It's a winning combination, as these nutrients are associated with a lower risk of obesity.

Lemon acts directly on fats by dissolving them. The consequences of your meal will weigh less heavily on the scale!

In addition, after drinking lemon juice, sugars diffuse more slowly in the blood, which helps to ensure better stability of blood sugar levels.

This is an important element, because too high or too low blood sugar promotes the storage of fat in the body.

Thanks to its alkalizing power, lemon is a health asset for people who have a diet too rich in animal proteins and industrial foods.

Lemon also stimulates digestion and limits the accumulation of toxins, which reduces the risk of gaining weight.

It activates the secretion of bile and therefore has a tonic action on the liver. It also stimulates the secretion of saliva and gastric juices.

It therefore promotes digestion and purges the liver thanks to its detoxifying action.


- Lemon is acidic, so people with kidney problems, gall bladder problems, burns or stomach ulcers are not advised to take it.

- To preserve your tooth enamel, it is best not to brush your teeth after drinking lemon juice.

- The lemon juice will help you to regulate the excesses of a too rich meal. But on its own, it won't make you lose weight. On the other hand, it will promote weight loss as part of a balanced diet and regular sports practice.