We all brush our teeth several times a day.
But who thinks about taking care of our toothbrush?
However, they also need to be disinfected regularly.
Especially if you want to avoid catching the flu! In fact, microbes love to live in damp places...
Fortunately, you can easily and quickly sterilize your toothbrush.
The trick is to boil it in white vinegar and water . Look, it's quite simple:
- white vinegar
- water
1. Take a small container.
2. Mix equal parts water and vinegar.
3. Boil the mixture.
4. Pour it into the container.
5. Immerse your toothbrush in it for at least 1 min.
And There you go ! Your toothbrush is now completely disinfected and sterilized :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
It also works to remove bacteria from your electric toothbrush.
Before buying a new one, you can prolong its life by cleaning it thoroughly using this trick.
And of course it works for tooth glasses or any bathroom accessories that you can also disinfect in the same way.
- Never use bleach to disinfect your toothbrush! It is a toxic product that should never be ingested.
- To boil the water, you can of course use your microwave. On the other hand, do not put your toothbrush directly in the microwave oven to disinfect it at the same time as you boil the water!
- Also remember to store your toothbrushes hygienically in the toothbrush cup as shown here.