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15 Insomnia Tricks You Absolutely Need to Know.

15 Insomnia Tricks You Absolutely Need to Know.

ionn Insomnia is temporary, or recurring.

Either way, it's a pain.

And for that, we are much more inclined to resort to natural tricks.

It's much better than taking medication, sometimes heavy or habit-forming.

Here are 15 tips you absolutely need to know to overcome your insomnia naturally :

15 Insomnia Tricks You Absolutely Need to Know.

  • 1. A foot bath with cold water
  • 2. A week of camping
  • 3. Respecting your sleep pattern
  • 4. An infusion of chamomile
  • 5. A light dinner
  • 6. A cup of hot milk
  • 7. An apple
  • 8. Stress management
  • 9. An infusion of verbena
  • 10. No coffee
  • 11. The turquoise stone
  • 12. Oats
  • 13. Magnesium chloride
  • 14. Poppy syrup
  • 15. Sports

1. A foot bath with cold water

You wonder how it is possible? And yet, it works remarkably well .

Click here to discover the trick.

2. A week of camping

Even more surprising? Not that much. It's about re-synchronizing our internal clock with the sun.

Click here to discover the trick.

3. Respecting your sleep pattern

Nothing more important for sleeping well:listen to the signs that our body sends us to find the best time to sleep.

Click here to discover the trick.

4. An infusion of chamomile

One of the most calming plants, which helps to fall asleep naturally , it is of course chamomile.

Click here to discover the trick.

5. A light dinner

The richer you eat , the worse you sleep. Also pay attention to the quantities ingested.

Click here to discover the trick.

6. A cup of hot milk

It's not a legend reserved for American films, no... it actually works. This recipe for hot milk, vanilla-cinnamon , is delicious.

Click here to discover the trick.

7. An apple

Bit into an apple or drinking an apple juice also helps to find sleep.

Click here to discover the trick.

8. Stress management

Nothing more important than that:manage your stress relaxes and allows you to sleep better.

Click here to discover the trick.

9. An infusion of verbena

If you don't like chamomile, or if you want to alternate, why not drink a verbena infusion in the evening ?

Click here to discover the trick.

10. No coffee

If you want to sleep, drink coffee you must not ! This is the adage (and not only of Master Yoda).

Click here to discover the trick.

11. The turquoise stone

In the "healing gemstones" series, turquoise is the one you need against insomnia.

Click here to discover the trick.

12. Oats

This cereal will help you relax . Eat it regularly. And... prepare yourself a good oatmeal bath, you'll tell me about it.

Click here to discover the trick.

13. Magnesium chloride

Magnesium chloride has many virtues, including that of helping you sleep well . Personally, I do 3 cures a year.

Click here to discover the trick.

14. Poppy syrup

Yes, it helps sleep. Plus, it's really delicious. And... we have the recipe !

Click here to discover the trick.

15. Sports

Even if you have little time and you don't really like it, try to find a moment to practice a sport .

Click here to discover the trick.

But be careful, preferably do it in the morning, as this trick explains.