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South Korean company presents radar technology capable of monitoring our health

This year, the famous Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is taking place online due to the current health crisis. A South Korean company presented a very amazing radar technology there. It is a mini home automation radar, the smallest on the market according to the creators.

A new home automation tool for health monitoring

Bitsensing is a South Korea-based start-up specializing in radar imaging technology. It took advantage of CES 2021 to present its latest innovation:the mini-H (H for "Healthcare"). It is a miniature radar capable of capturing information over an angle of 120°. The radar in question is presented as a home automation health monitoring tool. By the way, the start-up ensures that their device is not very intrusive.

“At Bitsensing, we are committed to integrating these groundbreaking radar technologies to help build smart lives and smart cities that ultimately improve the quality of life for all” , officials said, comments relayed by Taiwan News on January 13, 2021.

An easy-to-use radar

This mini-radar operating in high resolution 60 GHz Easily mounts to the wall and requires no wires or hookups. After connecting via Bluetooth (or Wi-Fi) to a dedicated smartphone application, it can detect a physical presence and take movement into account. The radar is therefore capable of detecting falls . It can also measure the rate of breathing as well as the pulse, without the need to use cameras or other devices. Officials also mention the possibility of detecting sleep apnea in users (see video at the end of the article). By the way, let's talk about another connected device capable of such a feat:the ScanWatch watch from the company Withings. It is the only watch that can detect sleep apnea.

South Korean company presents radar technology capable of monitoring our health

Mini-H is an active technology not needing any light to operate. The latter therefore works day and night and passes through the fabric of clothes and bed sheets. In addition, installing it in a particularly humid environment does not pose any operating problem. The application allows true monitoring of health data in particular by presenting a very complete dashboard. In addition, the tool is customizable at will and its ease of use, real assets in the context of future marketing. In addition, those responsible promise a constant software update.

Here is the demo video of the mini-H radar for sleep apnea: