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Why should we stop comparing flu and coronavirus?

Mainly on social networks, many Internet users recall the number of flu-related deaths. According to them, the new Chinese coronavirus does not justify its current media coverage. However, this comparison is not accidental and here is why.

Flu kills more people than coronavirus

The skepticism around the current coronavirus epidemic is very present. In the comments under each media post related to the epidemic, people mentioning the flu are not uncommon. According to the latter, this disease kills many more each year in France and around the world compared to the famous coronavirus 2019-nCoV.

Indeed, more than 10,000 deaths are caused by seasonal flu in France and between 300,000 and 650,000 worldwide. So far, the Chinese coronavirus outbreak has caused 'only' 360 deaths (including 1 outside China) for approximately 17,500 confirmed cases. However, the fact is that Internet users get this information from experts, doctors and other health officials in the West. The objective here seems to denounce an overmediatization of the coronavirus , synonymous with exaggeration of the phenomenon.

An invalid comparison

Some think that this comparison is not necessary . This is for example the case of Cameron Campbell, professor of history of demography and social mobility based in Hong Kong. As Le Point points out in an article published on February 3, 2020, the person posted a series of tweets aimed at explaining why comparing the two epidemics is "silly".

Why should we stop comparing flu and coronavirus?

Cameron Campbell recalled that at no time did the flu has overwhelmed any health care system. The new Chinese coronavirus, on the other hand, is very difficult to manage. Incredible situations have been observed, especially in Hubei province and its capital Wuhan, home of the epidemic. The person concerned also wondered about the fact that many treating physicians who had dealt with infected patients have found themselves hospitalized , sometimes in very serious condition. Moreover, comparing the statistics of a seasonal illness (flu) and a pandemic (coronavirus) makes no sense. This momentum would only contribute to a minimization of the phenomenon , while people should in no way ignore it.

Finally, we should keep in mind the drastic measures recently adopted in China :quarantine of entire cities, paralysis of transport, systematic checks of body temperature, especially in airports and certain public places. In any case, it is still too early to discuss the toll of this epidemic. The reason ? This one just isn't over yet.

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