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What is scurvy, this serious disease that never really disappeared?

Scurvy is a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency and can lead to death if left untreated. Although it has become very rare in our country, doctors nevertheless gave the alert a few months ago.

A terrible disease

Scurvy is known to have been nicknamed the "sailor's plague". Indeed, this serious disease caused by a significant vitamin C deficiency was part of virtually all maritime expeditions from the Renaissance until the 19th century! Indeed, sailors were often deprived of food (or undernourished) for several months before being swept away by illness.

In its most severe form, scurvy results in loosening of the teeth and purulence of the gums. Then hemorrhages appear before causing the death of the victim. Today, this disease has virtually disappeared from industrialized states, but other countries in a precarious situation are still exposed to it.

What is scurvy, this serious disease that never really disappeared?

Several cases of scurvy in France

In an article published in La Presse Médicale in June 2019, rheumatologists based in Nice described cases observed in France between August 2017 and January 2018 . This report concerns three patients, namely two women (74 and 60 years old) and one man (61 years old). The symptoms were quite different in the patients each time. It was sometimes a question of spots on the body, anemia, blood effusion or even sensitive gums, loose teeth, etc. On the other hand, the three cases had a common factor :severe vitamin C deficiency caused by poor diet.

Other rare cases have been documented in France in recent years. Each time, it is a new opportunity for doctors to remind that scurvy is a very real disease and never really disappeared. It should also be remembered that the human body is unable to produce vitamin C. Thus, in order to avoid this type of disease, foods containing it should not be neglected. It is therefore incumbent to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables , such as the various citrus fruits and other strawberries, kiwis, peppers, cabbages, salads, etc.

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