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Is the effectiveness of hair transplantation proven?

Hair loss has become a real fear for an entire generation. Men and women alike, baldness can affect anyone. It is due to the sensitivity of the hair root to testosterone. There are 65% of men affected by this sensitivity against 5% of women. For the fairer sex, hair loss is compensated by wearing a wig. But for men hair transplantation is the most used way to stem baldness where; in its scientific term:Alopecia. For ten years and the arrival of new techniques and new progress; the number of interventions has exploded. They are increasingly effective, short and painless.

Hair transplant:methods FUE and FUT

Currently, there are several techniques for hair transplants but two of them are most used:FUE and FUT. These two procedures require local anesthesia.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the preferred solution for small hair transplants. This technique collects your hair using a very precise instrument. They are collected from the back of your skull in an area called the crown. This donor area is not affected by baldness because the hair present, such as that of the beard and eyebrows, does not have the same genetic heritage as the others. The hair is then reimplanted one by one on the area to be redensified using a small drill. This instrument extracts the hair with its bulb to insert it 1 millimeter deep. Its precision allows it to place a hair every millimeter. FUE generally lasts one day for 8 hours of intervention.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is the solution for larger hair transplants. Also called strip grafting, it allows the removal of 7500 follicular units. A strip of scalp 1 to 1.5 centimeters deep and 15 to 20 centimeters long is taken. The small scar left will be covered by hair growth. The hair is then recovered and then replanted in the area to be replenished. This method is faster, with approximately 4 hours of intervention.

Mother cell-based processing

Capilclinic defines itself as the first European clinic to offer stem cell-based treatments. This method aims to remove only a small part of the hair containing the follicle and a part containing the stem cells. Then, using micro forceps, the grafts are replanted. Their small dimensions make scars invisible.

At what price and where?

Several countries, notably Turkey and Spain, have become popular destinations for medical tourism. While a hair transplant can cost up to 12,000 euros in France, the same operation in Turkey or Spain is estimated at just over 2,000 euros.

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