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Asthmatic bronchitis:definition, causes and treatments

Asthmatic bronchitis:definition, causes and treatments

Asthmatic bronchitis is a disease that affects the lungs. Knowing its causes helps prevent the disease and recognizing the symptoms offers better management. Treatments are recommended to treat it.

Definition of asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis is a lung disease. It combines the symptoms of asthma and acute bronchitis:an inflammation of the bronchi which leads to congestion of the bronchi. The patient emits dry coughs which become oily and rejects a viscous sputum of yellowish color. You can hear a hissing sound in the chest because of the difficulty in breathing.

Asthmatic bronchitis may also be accompanied by fever and chest pain. It is of infectious origin which is very different from asthma, of allergic origin. It mainly affects sensitive people such as young children, the elderly and pregnant women and it usually occurs during the winter period.

The causes of asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis is caused by certain illnesses such as a simple bronchial infection or even poorly treated rhinitis. People with heart failure or respiratory disease are also susceptible to developing asthmatic bronchitis. Gastric problems such as gastroesophageal reflux can cause the disease because of the small drops of acids that pass through the bronchi and cause inflammation.

Treatment of asthmatic bronchitis

Asthmatic bronchitis:definition, causes and treatments

When the disease is not yet very severe and it is in its infancy, one can opt for gentle remedies such as the use of medicinal plants. A decoction of liquorice or fennel promotes expectoration if the patient has difficulty in evacuating his sputum. A massage with essential oil of rosmarinus officinalis also brings relief and soothes symptoms in all stages of the disease. Then the use of citrus reticulita is effective in children, it has the effect of relaxing and can stop any manifestation of crisis. However, it is recommended to learn carefully about the use of essential oils and medicinal plants to avoid mishandling these remedies.

The doctor prescribes antibiotic-based treatment and, to help patients breathe better, he may recommend that they use a bronchodilator inhaler or aerosol. A physiotherapy session can also be good for patients to relieve their bronchial tubes as well as taking expectorant syrup.

For asthmatic bronchitis caused by heart and respiratory failure, treatments targeted at these causes are prescribed to patients in order to cure them of these diseases and thus avoid an attack of asthmatic bronchitis.

As the disease can be manifested by a high fever, it is always important to rehydrate the sick, especially if it is a baby or an elderly person. Good disease management is important in the elderly. When the disease develops, their body will react by fighting against this disease and will be weakened in the face of other infections. Care as soon as possible is necessary to avoid any other complications.