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How to find a hearing center or audioprosthetist near you?

How to find a hearing center or audioprosthetist near you?

Hearing loss is one of the signs of aging. It results in the impression that the sounds around you are muffled, having trouble following a conversation in a noisy environment, having your interlocutor repeat, abnormally raising the sound of your television, or even speaking loudly. when his environment does not require it, etc. At the first signs of hearing loss, it is important to quickly consult a hearing specialist, an audioprosthetist, or go to a hearing center near you to have your hearing tested.

What is a hearing care professional and where can I find this hearing care professional?

The audioprosthetist is a health professional who is not a doctor as such since he has not studied medicine, but a technician in the field of hearing holding a state diploma which requires three years after the baccalaureate obtained in a specialized school.

An audioprosthetist specializes in fitting people who are hard of hearing or, for example, who notice a loss of their hearing as they age. This professional works with patients whose deafness problems have been previously diagnosed by an otolaryngologist (ENT) and whose wearing of a hearing aid is prescribed by prescription.

The audioprosthetist is indeed the professional who will precisely assess the needs of the person who suffers from hearing problems during a hearing assessment in order to then be able to offer him a hearing aid totally adapted to his symptoms and his auditory canal. he takes the imprint. The audioprosthetist then follows his patient throughout the life of his hearing aid (on average 5 years), to advise him, help him to use it properly, propose regular adjustments, and allow him to find a comfortable hearing. and almost normal. The psychological dimension of the role of the audioprosthetist is therefore very important.

An audioprosthetist can work as a freelancer in a practice, as an employee in a hospital environment, or in a hearing center for example. The National Union of Hearing Aid Professionals (UNSAF), to which these professionals are affiliated, recommends consulting the list and contact details of all the hearing aid professionals present by city or by department made available on its website. This directory ensures that you have recourse to a hearing care professional with a recognized diploma.

What is a hearing center and how to find one near you?

A hearing center is a place accessible to all. They exist in practically all cities in France because most of the major brands of optical stores now offer a space dedicated to hearing in their shops. The latter is most often taken care of by an audioprosthetist either employed by the optician or as an independent service provider.

Brands specializing in hearing such as Audilab, Amplifon, Entendre, etc., are also present in most French cities. It is possible to meet there audioprosthetists in charge of establishing hearing assessments, installing and adjusting hearing aids as well as providing personalized follow-up.

In all cases, hearing centers managed by an audioprosthetist must, according to the standards established by UNSAF, be equipped with specific equipment such as a soundproof cabin.

Hearing professionals in hearing centers also have a role in advising and helping with the procedures to be taken with Social Security and mutual insurance companies to obtain the best possible reimbursement for hearing aids. They can also offer payment facilities to their customers.

To find the hearing center closest to you, the easiest way is to contact your usual optician who most often has this service.