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carpal tunnel syndrome

carpal tunnel syndrome

Does your hand wake you up at night, it tingles, it tingles, it hurts? You may be familiar with carpal tunnel syndrome, or carpal tunnel. Don't worry, it can be cured. We explain everything to you.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, what is it?

Inside our wrist is a fairly narrow passage called the carpal tunnel (or tunnel). This is where the median nerve passes, which runs from the arm to the hand. It is this nerve that allows the wrist, thumb, index and middle fingers to perform flexion movements. The carpal tunnel is located in the center of the wrist, on its front side (palm side) and ends at the level of the middle of the hand.

This tunnel is not expandable and when, for one reason or another, one of the elements that use it increases in volume, the median nerve is compressed. It can then no longer function properly. It is this compression of the carpal nerve that will cause the symptoms:pain, tingling, numbness, etc.

How does carpal tunnel syndrome manifest?

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome vary from case to case. They are usually located at the level of the hand. They sometimes, but more rarely, extend to the wrist and arm.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • Numbness of the hand and fingers (especially thumb, index and middle fingers).
  • Pain.
  • Weakness.
  • Tingling, tingling.
  • Sensation of burning, small electric shocks.
  • Loss of sensitivity…

Who is most at risk of developing this syndrome? In priority women (it is three times more common among them) and people over 50 years old. That said, men and young people are not immune.

What are the causes?

There are multiple causes of carpal tunnel syndrome , but an occupational origin is frequent. In fact, certain gestures repeated again and again throughout the day (work on a production line or on a computer keyboard, wrist movements of hosts and cashiers or hairdressers, shocks or vibrations due to use of construction tools…) can cause inflammation and swelling of the tendon or ligament area.

During pregnancy, blood circulation can be a little slowed down. Limbs experience water retention or edema. In some cases, again, this results in pressure on the median nerve which leads to carpal tunnel syndrome on a temporary basis. Menopause and its hormonal variations can also sometimes have the same effects.

Finally, some diseases favor the emergence of this problem:for example diabetes, rheumatoid diseases, hypothyroidism...

Carpal tunnel syndrome:when to see a doctor?

Are you experiencing pain in your hand or certain fingers? Are you numb from a repetitive task and feel discomfort that could be due to carpal nerve compression? To answer your health questions and get a diagnosis, consider our teleconsultation service. By phone, chat or video call, you can contact a doctor from home for a medical consultation or a prescription for medication.

Prevent carpal tunnel syndrome

If you have a job where you are at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, prevention is better than cure! Try to vary your movements and tasks as much as possible. If your profession requires you to perform repetitive movements, take frequent breaks to relax your hand and relax your wrist. Adopt a good posture and adapt your workstation as much as possible (for example, if you work a lot on the computer, pay attention to the position of your arms and your back, the height of your chair, the position of the keyboard …). Finally, if in doubt, consult without delay.

S carpal tunnel syndrome:what treatments?

Rest assured, there are many ways to fix the problem. Depending on the causes behind your syndrome and its severity, the doctor will have several options to choose from:

  • Placement of a splint to relieve the wrist and limit its mobility.
  • Medicated treatment, based on cortisone or anti-inflammatories.
  • Ultrasound treatment.
  • Osteopathic manipulation.
  • Yoga.
  • Surgery (incision of the transverse ligament to relieve pressure on the nerve).

A work stoppage is often essential if the problem is of professional origin, and it may even be necessary to change positions to no longer expose the wrist to repetitive movements.

Good news:in about a third of cases, carpal tunnel syndrome heals on its own! But at the first symptoms, it is important to consult.

If you have weird sensations in your hand and wrist, think about carpal tunnel syndrome and make an appointment for a little check-up! Once the causes have been identified, your environment adapted and the treatment carried out, everything will eventually work out!
