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Help! My child wants to become a vegetarian! (including weekly menu)

A child who wants to become a vegetarian is not a surprising phenomenon in this century. More than ever, young people are concerned with the environment, sustainability and animal welfare. On the other hand, there is the impressive advance of vegetarian cuisine, which is becoming increasingly hip and attractive. Producers of vegetarian products are responding to the trend, well-known veggies and influencers do the rest. Your child also wants to participate in vegetarian food. Always a good idea. But how do you deal with it as a parent? And what do you put on the table if eat meat consciously is no longer sufficient?

Table of Contents

Does your child want to eat vegetarian? Not bad!

While a vegetarian at the table used to be an exception, now no one is surprised anymore. And a child who does not eat meat will not be short of anything at all. He or she isn't getting into something scary or anything. The only essential ingredient you're missing out on is vitamin B12. But so are eggs and dairy products, which are simply part of a vegetarian diet for your child. At vegan or vegan food (no animal products at all) it is different. Veganism is also very hip, but first explain to your child that vegetarianism is already a giant step towards a better world.


It will feel good for a child to contribute to a better environment by eating vegetarian. The CO2 emissions are largely due to the bio-industry. The story that a lot of forests have to be cut down for the many soy plantations for the veggies can also be referred to the realm of fables:it is the meat industry that needs all that soy as animal feed. But it is also very nice to know that you are no longer indirectly guilty of all kinds of abuses.

A child who no longer eats meat:all beginnings are difficult

All right, you don't have to put dead animals on the table anymore. But how do you go about it? Do you really need to make sure your child doesn't "go wrong"? A child who does not eat meat will occasionally be tempted. When bitterballen is served somewhere, it is difficult to resist, as all beginnings are difficult. But there's nothing wrong with a slip. An often-heard expression is 'better inconsistently right than consistently wrong'. Better to accidentally eat a bitterbal and startle yourself than never think about the daily portion of animal suffering you eat. It's about the intention.

What do you put on the table for your vegetarian-eating child?

Even for you as a parent it is a bit of a switch, but your cookbooks and the food blogs will reassure you. The best cuisines in the world originated from poverty, i.e. largely meatless. The Italian, for example, is famous for its easy-to-prepare veggie classics:spaghetti al pomodoro, risotto ai funghi porcini (with mushrooms), penne all'arrabbiata, parmiggiana di melanzane (eggplants with Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce). Also check out the Mexican, Indian and Indonesian cuisine! Furthermore, the major producers are doing everything they can to come up with tasty alternatives.

The vegetarian smoked sausage from Unox is really tasty and the MC2 burger from the Vegetarian Butcher will love your child. No one has yet been found who thinks Vivera's vegetarian meatballs are disgusting. Mora has also started with vegetarian snacks. This industry is only getting bigger and better.

Snags:which 'hidden' ingredients should you watch out for?

A child who becomes a vegetarian must read carefully. For example, wine gums and marshmallows contain gelatin, an animal product. Many oriental foods contain trassi (shrimp pulp) or fish or oyster sauce. Again, it depends on how consistent you want to do it, but if you really don't want to ingest any more animals, you need to check the ingredients. Also pay attention when buying non-organic cheese:it usually contains animal rennet. There are, however, more catches. But beef tomatoes, chickpeas, mashed mice and the cow bar are fortunately not part of this.

We can now conveniently say:good luck with it! But it is nice to help you on your way with the weekly menu. Put these vegetarian dishes on the table and everyone is enjoying themselves. No one who will miss their piece of meat!


Spaghetti al pomodoro (tomato sauce) with a piece of bread and a fresh salad. Fast, simple and healthy. Or a delicious vegetarian lasagna or vegetarian spaghetti as a healthy easy meal to feast on!


Boiled potatoes, haricot verts or another boiled vegetable and a vegetarian gypsy schnitzel from Vivera. Fairly traditional and tasty.


Rice with a curry of broccoli, pumpkin, cashew nuts and tofu. Serve with cucumber and cassava as side dishes.


Skewers with vegetarian meatballs, bell pepper, onion, mushrooms and zucchini with (potato) salad and bread. Optionally add a satay sauce.


Quiche with spinach and feta and a tomato salad.


Soup day! A vegetarian soup with bread and spreads:egg salad, hummus, pesto, etc.


Snack day! Fries and sandwiches with vegan sausages from Unox. Or a veggie burger.

Vegetarian cookbooks for children

Need more inspiration for your child to make vegetarian food tasty and varied? Check the cookbooks below!

Vegetarian food for your child and yourself

First of all, you can see from the menu above that it is not all that difficult. In addition, you also see that you do not have to use bags and packets with instant flavor powder (read:salt bombs). And finally:those who do not eat meat consume much less fat and proteins, which may well be compensated.

Any disadvantage hep se advantage

Your child announcing that he wants to become a vegetarian? It is more an enrichment than a loss. Every disadvantage has its advantage , the great philosopher J. Cruyff once said. But the 'disadvantage' of a vegetarian menu actually only has advantages. A better environment, less animal suffering, healthier food. You can also conclude that you have brought a smart child into the world and that you can get creative in the kitchen. And as icing on the cake:you are often a lot cheaper too. Enjoy your meal!