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3 reasons to eat germs

3 reasons to eat germs

Put a handful of sprouts, such as alfalfa or bean sprouts, on your sandwich, through your salad or in your soup.

1. Germs are full of good substances
A germ collects as much energy as possible to turn from a seed into a plant. That is why they are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, fibre.

2. … and full of fabrics with complicated names
Germs also contain the nucleic acids DNA and RNA, which are necessary for cell growth and repair, among other things.

3. It's something different for once
For many people, sprouts are a bit of a 'forgotten vegetable', while they are very tasty and you can easily add them to different meals.

Bonus reason: You can easily grow your own sprouts. On the Zahra Seeds website you will find an extensive explanation about growing your own sprouts.

Read also:Watermelon seeds are healthy