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Mosquito Facts

Mosquito Facts

Have you already had a series of sleepless nights because of that constant buzzing around your head? Mosquito nets and mosquito repellent help repel them. But where do they end up? And what if it's too late and you've already been bitten? Here are some mosquito facts and tips against itching.

Facts about mosquitoes:
– Finding mosquitoes stinky feet very attractive, as well as aged cheese;
– Mosquitoes sting women generally preferable to men. This is due to the difference in hormonal substances that are secreted;
– Mosquitoes can see very poor and navigate primarily by their sense of smell and sensitivity to heat. From 30 meters away, they can track human carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions;
– Only female mosquitoes stabbing; these need blood to develop their eggs;
– Beer drinkers and people who wear dark clothes, attract more mosquitoes at.

Tips against itching:
– Rub a dry bar of soap over the itchy spot;
– Dab a hot tea bag on the itchy spot;
– Rub an ice cube over the bump
– Pick a leaf from the Plantain , a weed that is common in the Netherlands (often in the grass), and rub the piece on the bump;
– If you really don't have anything around, smearing saliva on the mosquito bite also helps against irritation.