Eating completely salt-free is not tasty, not feasible and, moreover, unnecessary. But because we usually ingest too much salt, it is better to cut back a bit. And that's easier than you think.
1. We eat too much salt. One is more 'salt sensitive' than the other. Children who eat too much salt now can develop high blood pressure . later in life to get. Exactly how much effect your salt consumption has on your blood pressure can only be determined by a specialist.
2. the body needs a minimal amount of salt every day. There is naturally enough present in vegetables and potatoes, for example. Dietitian Lenny Versteegden:“If you do sprinkle salt, make sure it contains iodine. Iodine is found in few foods and promotes the functioning of the thyroid gland †
3. Three quarters of the salt we ingest comes from ready-to-eat products and bread. The government has urged the food industry to reduce salt levels in foodstuffs by 10 to 15 percent by the end of 2009 † Unilever has already rigorously reduced the salt content in Unox soups such as Cup-a-Soup.
4. Difficult to eat less salt? “Your taste buds are used to a less salty taste within a few days,” says Versteegden. “Use other seasonings , such as nutmeg for cauliflower, savory for beans and chives for carrots. You give meat, fish and chicken extra flavor by onion, garlic or pepper to bake with.”