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Homemade foot care to regain soft skin.

Homemade foot care to regain soft skin.

Taking care of your feet is important.

With all that we inflict on them, we can pamper them a little.

The feet, it's true that we don't really worry about them. And yet they are mistreated on a daily basis.

This is why our little feet need regular care. Here is my foot care recipe to have very soft skin.

Homemade foot care to regain soft skin.


- 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

- A handful of coarse salt.

How to

1. Mix olive oil, a powerful moisturizer, with the coarse salt with exfoliating action.

Note: If you're not a fan of olive oil, opt for sweet almond oil which is just as nourishing, softening and has a sweet and pleasant smell.

2. In the evening, apply this treatment to the feet, in the same way as a traditional scrub.

3. Make circular movements using your thumbs.

4. Rinse your feet with lukewarm water.


There you go, your skin is already softer thanks to the nourishing action of the oil and the exfoliating power of the salt :-)

Gently remove dead skin and calluses.

Bonus tip

For perfectly nourished feet, you can generously brush them with moisturizer. Then, keeping the excess cream, put on a pair of cotton socks before going to sleep.

The next day, we go in the shower to wash and we eliminate the excess cream. You dry your feet really well, not neglecting the spaces between the toes.

Good drying is important to keep the feet healthy, to avoid fungus or other fungal infections.

And there, it's happiness, very light and soft feet like those of a child!

To keep this feeling of soft skin, I advise you to do this exfoliating treatment once a week.

A little varnish on the nails... And presto, here are beautiful little feet ready to conquer the beach!

Your turn...

Have you tried this homemade treatment for soft feet? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!