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Pregnant at Work:Three Tips to Better Manage Your Fatigue.

Pregnant at Work:Three Tips to Better Manage Your Fatigue.

To best manage work fatigue during pregnancy, there are a few simple rules to follow.

Personally, I adopted three.

Hard hard to reconcile professional life and pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when fatigue is intense.

The days are more than long when, as soon as the alarm clock rings, you have only one desire, to go back to bed so much your whole body is exhausted !

However, few are those who can stop from the first months (and that's good because such a premature stop is usually a sign that something is wrong). The ideal is therefore to develop as well as possible its working conditions to combat fatigue.

1. Avoid carrying heavy things

Pregnant at Work:Three Tips to Better Manage Your Fatigue.

Depending on the position you hold, you may have to carry heavy things. Avoid doing this as much as possible, by asking your colleagues to lend a hand .

Of course, this is not easy until you have announced your pregnancy to your employer. In this case, do not forget to bend your knees well before lifting anything, and take time to rest afterwards.

2. Rest your body

Whether you work standing or sitting, it is important to remember to rest your body . If you have to stand for a long time, choose flat shoes, which won't put too much strain on your back. Take regular breaks where you can sit down , with slightly raised legs .

This advice is also valid if, like me, your position requires you to remain seated all day. No need to set foot on the desk! You can be tricky with the wastebasket that you place under your desk. The relief should be almost immediate!

3. Treat yourself to two snack breaks during the day

Pregnant at Work:Three Tips to Better Manage Your Fatigue.

The needs of a pregnant woman vary considerably. I have never been so hungry in my entire life as I have been for a few weeks! To avoid the strokes and the risk of discomfort, the ideal is to split your meals and have a snack at 10 a.m., and another at 4 p.m. (be careful, there is no question of snacking all day!)

Opt for a fruit and a dairy (it's time to start making homemade yogurts!), which will allow you to fill up on energy, without exploding the calorie counter.

Do you have any other tips for fighting fatigue at work? Share your testimonials of pregnant women in the comments.