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Aphrodisiac foods to know before Valentine's Day.

Aphrodisiac foods to know before Valentine s Day.

Stimulating, invigorating, euphoric, nature is full of amazing foods to spice up his love life.

But then, what are these foods of love?

Not that I doubt your sexual abilities but using and abusing aphrodisiac foods is one, certainly not dangerous and two, sincerely surprising!

Since I studied the benefits of food on health, I no longer hesitate to make good little naughty menus.

The must is to eat cleanly and lightly. If it's to be heavy at the end of the meal, no need to drag yourself to the duvet.

1. For our beloved men

A small foam of celery facilitates the production of sperm. For its part, a delicious pumpkin soup promotes the dilation of blood vessels, especially in the pelvis, which leads to swelling of the penis.

Asparagus, in addition to its phallic shape favoring the imagination of the most creative, improves the production of testosterones. Afraid of running out of fuel? Think of Yohimbine (in pharmacies). Onion and garlic are also excellent stimulators but avoid consuming them on D-Day!

2. For us femme fatales

The female aphrodiac par excellence is the gingko nut which resembles pistachios. Hop, as an aperitif, neither seen nor known! The seed of gingko biloba acts on the walls of our blood vessels located in the genital area. An excellent stimulant therefore.

The artichoke is also very good for us. By increasing the secretion of estrogen, you feel even more feminine, even more beautiful. Well-being assured. Having an artichoke heart has never been so easy.

Who said chocolate was a vice? Stimulating, relaxing and euphoric, its exciting power is recognized. Prefer dark chocolate. Don't overdo it though, love handles affect our ego.

3. The libido at the heart of our plates

I will therefore favor pistachios, nuts and raw vegetables:celery, avocado, asparagus or pumpkin. I will especially not forget the oysters, of course less cheap. Seafood in general is known to increase cravings.

To accompany these dishes full of eroticism, I will cook a light and spicy sauce by abusing mint (powerful stimulant), cloves and thyme, curry or parsley (energizing). I will try all the same a little garlic which supports the irrigation of the sexual organs. You can also dare a slightly more spicy or peppery dip. Vascular dilation and express heat guaranteed.

Finally, I will bet on red fruits, chocolate and vanilla desserts with an adventurous touch of fresh ginger.

4. Intimate arousal inhibitors, I say No!

Although alcohol is euphoric in small doses, it is better not to abuse it, neither in large quantities nor regularly. Your libido may suffer. Same for tobacco. Also avoid lettuce, black coffee and licorice.

Pesticides and sexual desire are incompatible. If you don't usually, allow yourself, at least for Valentine's Day, fresh and organic products. You can never be too careful.

I just have to wish you a Valentine's Day all in pink. I still want to remind you that Valentine's Day should not be the annual exception. Love is everyday. The regular little touches make a much better impression than the big annual trade show.