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Coronavirus:Surgical Masks Are Washable and Reusable 10 Times Depending on What to Choose.

Coronavirus:Surgical Masks Are Washable and Reusable 10 Times Depending on What to Choose.

We all thought surgical masks should be thrown away after 4 hours of use .

Considering the price of these disposable masks, it was quite a budget for a family with children...

Good news for your wallet and the planet!

The consumer association Que Choisir has carried out a battery of tests and the results are clear.

Washed at 60°C, the surgical masks retain their filtration efficiency and can be reused 10 times .

Here's how to wash and reuse your disposable masks without any risk of catching Covid-19. Watch:

Coronavirus:Surgical Masks Are Washable and Reusable 10 Times Depending on What to Choose.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. After wearing it, put your surgical mask directly in the washing machine.

2. You can obviously add dirty things at the same time so as not to run your machine empty.

3. Choose a washing program at 60°C.

4. Once the cycle is complete, put your mask to dry on a drying rack or put it in the dryer.

5. Once dry, you can also iron the mask on the lowest iron temperature.


Coronavirus:Surgical Masks Are Washable and Reusable 10 Times Depending on What to Choose.

There you go, no more throwing away surgical masks every day, you can reuse them up to 10 times :-)

This will allow you to make great savings on a daily basis!

Que Choisir specifies that this method makes it possible to keep masks that are just as effective as Afnor/DGA certified fabric masks.

In addition, the elastics of the masks hold up very well in the wash and remain just as comfortable in terms of breathability.

Please note that the Que Choisir tests were carried out on masks purchased at Auchan, Leclerc and in drugstores...

...but obviously these results are washable for all surgical masks whether purchased at Carrefour, Intermarché or even on the Internet.

If you are looking for cheap and quality surgical masks, I recommend these.