Garlic is probably one of the foods that has the most benefits.
If you don't believe me, I advise you to take a look at our article here.
Not to mention the fact that garlic is essential to give flavor to any recipe.
So how about being able to easily grow some in your garden without ever having to buy new ones?
Don't worry, you'll see, it's very simple!
Each bulb that you will plant will multiply and give 3 or 4 new cloves of garlic . Watch:
1. Prepare a pot filled with potting soil, preferably a pot with drainage.
2. Choose very fresh heads of garlic.
3. Separate the pods, being careful not to damage their base.
4. Bury each pod by placing the pointed side up under a few inches of potting soil.
5. Separate them about 10 cm.
6. Keep the soil moist, but never soggy, as garlic doesn't need a lot of water.
7. Let the garlic rise a little, but remember to cut the flowers regularly to keep all the flavor in the bulb.
8. Once your plant has 5 or 6 leaves that turn yellow and start dying, the garlic is ready to harvest.
9. Dry the garlic in a cool, dry place like a garage for a week.
And There you go ! You grew garlic easily at home :-)
Even more need to buy some! Easy, right?
Know that the best time to plant garlic is early spring or fall.
To grow, garlic needs about 8-10 months.
Do not discard the small green stalks of garlic. They are eaten like chives, or to flavor a soup or cottage cheese for example.
Once harvested, store garlic in a cool, dry place.
As we told you in the intro, garlic has many health benefits.
Garlic is rich in vitamins B6 and C, selenium, manganese, calcium and potassium. And what's more, it's low in calories with just 42 calories per serving.
It strengthens the immune system. Eating it regularly prevents 63% of colds and 63% of colds.
It is also excellent for the heart by limiting the risk of heart problems and helping to lower cholesterol.
Same observation with people who suffer from high blood pressure:eating it regularly would be beneficial.