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How to Relax at Home Quietly to Be Zen?

How to Relax at Home Quietly to Be Zen?

Nothing irritates you, you have trouble concentrating, you are tiredness ?

Stop everything, you urgently need relaxation!

Here's how to relax at home quietly to regain your zenitude!

Your boss fuming behind you, the kids bickering, the public-danger-grannies-driving, the bills, the taxes, shopping, the banker having a meltdown...

Stop! It's too much, it's time to settle down and relax.

When I can no longer see clearly, when everything seems like aggression...

Before breaking down for good, I give myself a break .

A moment just for me. Mask, body care, manicure. Pampering and pampering yourself is essential.

It's not about selfishness. No, just take some time to make peace with yourself and get back on the right foot.

I like to start with a little zen relaxation session...

How to Relax at Home Quietly to Be Zen?

How to

Admittedly, this may sound a bit cliché, but it really works.

Gently and pleasantly stimulate our senses helps to calm down.

1. The sense of smell

The brain recognizes and classifies odors. They are inseparable from emotions.

So, I diffuse a little in the room to relax.

I love incense.

But a perfume diffuser or perfume burner with essential oils work just as well.

Lavender, for example, has relaxing properties .

2. Hearing

It is well known, music softens morals.

It is not for nothing that it is sometimes used in addition to therapy.

Scientists agree that music can cause emotional reactions as intense as a biological stimulus.

So let's play soft music , the one we love, who soothes us.

How about simple recorded nature sounds?

As a good Breton who spent a large part of her life on the coast, I appreciate this kind of CD.

It creates a seaside atmosphere. The rolling of the waves has an immediate effect...

I put on a comfortable outfit that allows you to move easily. Here I am ready to relax.

3. Zen, let's stay zen...

a. Sitting on a chair (it also works with a sofa), legs crossed on top of each other, we describe a circle with the tip of the right foot.

b . Repeat 10 times in one direction then change feet.

c. During the exercise, make sure to keep your back straight.

Also remember to breathe deeply.

We inhale by inflating our lungs strongly, we exhale by blowing gently.

Then, gradually, we return to reality. I then like to do a mask or a treatment.

So I prolong this moment of serenity. This is crazy good. I feel relaxed for the rest of the weekend and ready for another week.

In addition to relaxing us, this exercise strengthens our abs and activates blood circulation.

So no more hesitation, the watchword of the day is:take care of yourself.


There you go, you are now much more relaxed :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

You now know how to relax naturally .

You have seen ? No need for drugs to fight stress.

And in addition, these natural remedies are very economical. They cost next to nothing.

Your turn...

Maybe you have your own methods to relax a somewhat difficult week? Feel free to share your tips in the comments. We can't wait to read you!