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No More Need to Buy Aftershave! Use Baking Soda To Soothe Razor Fire.

No More Need to Buy Aftershave! Use Baking Soda To Soothe Razor Fire.

Do you usually buy aftershave?

It's true that it's practical to prevent it from stinging and burning.

The problem is that it's not given and it's far from natural...

Fortunately, there is an equally effective (or even more) grandmother's recipe that costs next to nothing!

The trick is to use baking soda to soothe razor burn . Watch:

No More Need to Buy Aftershave! Use Baking Soda To Soothe Razor Fire.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Have a drink.

2. Fill it with lukewarm water.

3. Add a teaspoon of baking soda.

4. Mix well.

5. Rinse your face with this mixture before and after shaving.


No More Need to Buy Aftershave! Use Baking Soda To Soothe Razor Fire.

And There you go ! With this homemade remedy, you no longer need to buy aftershave :-)

No more burning sensation, itching and small pimples that appear after shaving!

Considering the price of baking soda, you save a lot of money every day!

It's still more practical and faster like that, isn't it?

To apply the bicarbonate water, you can also use a soaked cotton ball.

Why does it work?

Be aware that most commercial aftershaves only amplify the heat of the shave!

Why ? Because they contain alcohol which dries out the skin. Not to mention the synthetic perfumes of dubious origins...

On the contrary, bicarbonate water soothes the skin, prevents it from pulling and leaves it very soft thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

This mixture also prepares the skin for those who are adept at so-called "wet" shaving with a blade.

Obviously, this trick works for men's beards, but also for shaving legs or armpits for women.