Your nails are breaking or splitting ?
This is a sign of a lack of vitamins or minerals.
To overcome this problem, make sure you eat a balanced diet.
And to help you, salt becomes your ally.
How? 'Or' What ? Thanks to small salt water baths to harden soft nails. Watch:
1 . Put 1/2 tablespoon of fine salt in 1 bowl of hot water.
2 . Soak your nails 5 min.
3 . Rinse and dry your hands.
4 . Repeat the operation every evening for 1 week.
There you go, your nails are now beautiful and strong :-)
No more nails that break and split!
A little extra advice?
Avoid putting on nail polish during the treatment week.
The varnish reduces the effectiveness of this trick.
One last little thing?
To restore strength to your nails, you can also use food supplements such as brewer's yeast.