Family Best Time >> Health

The Essential Trick To Remove A Bandage Without Pain.

The Essential Trick To Remove A Bandage Without Pain.

Small or big injuries, it is not always easy to remove a Pad...

...especially with cozy children!

It pulls on the skin and it hurts. Cries, cries, big tears...

It is easy to avoid this crisis situation thanks to a simple little trick!

With olive oil, the dressing is easily removed . Watch:

The Essential Trick To Remove A Bandage Without Pain.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. Take some olive oil.

2. Dip your fingers in olive oil.

3. Or use a cotton swab or a piece of cotton, soaked in olive oil.

4. Brush the edges of the dressing with olive oil.

5. Gently remove the dressing.


The Essential Trick To Remove A Bandage Without Pain.

There you go, you have removed the bandage, without pain or tightness and without screaming :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

It's still better than hurting, isn't it?