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Better in my Body Thanks to Intermittent Fasting.

Better in my Body Thanks to Intermittent Fasting.

Winter is almost here, with its down jackets and chunky sweaters.

But that's no reason to let go!

Need a boost to feel better about your body?

For this, there is no need to go on a diet.

It is enough to change your eating habits periodically to be better in your body thanks to intermittent fasting.

Better in my Body Thanks to Intermittent Fasting.

  • No, it's not a diet
  • Calorie intake
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle gain
  • The results
  • Precaution

No, it's not a diet

Please note, this is not a diet!

In fact, it is a type of diet consisting of fasting for part of the day.

It consists of not eating for a short period of time, the fast lasting between 16 and 20 hours (depending on the chosen fast).

It can be practiced in order to gain muscle or to lose weight, it all depends on the calorie intake that I choose to have during the eating period.

It is not necessary to practice it for life, fasting periodically allows you to enjoy the benefits of the method.

Calorie intake

First, start by quickly calculating your daily calorie requirement by going to this site.

The formula being rather complicated, the calculator will do it for you, without risk of error.

Calculate the number of calories you need per day to maintain your current weight and find out the minimum number of calories your body needs to function well.

Then set your goal:weight loss or muscle gain?

Weight loss

To lose weight, you have to combine fasting with sport every other day. The "on" days are the days when I exercise (at least 30 minutes), the "off" days are the days when I don't.

The method is simple:I eat my normal calorie intake on "on" days, and I reduce this calorie intake by 20% on "off" days.

Muscle gain

Same method, except that I increase my caloric intake by 20% on "on" days and I don't change anything on "off" days.

The results

My husband has been doing intermittent fasting for 3 weeks. He realizes that he takes less fat than by eating normally.

The first week was tough going without eating until noon, but then her body adjusted and it's much easier now.

He doesn't have any more "bars" in the morning and afternoon and says he feels lighter.

I would like to point out that he has also been practicing the Lafay method for almost 3 years;-)


Before starting any kind of fast, always talk to your doctor who will advise you and inform you about any contraindications.