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This anti-5G pendant is strongly discouraged due to its radioactivity

Several studies on the potential health impacts of 5G have already reported their findings, and some stories on the subject continue to send shivers down the spine. A rather special object has just been withdrawn from sale, namely a pendant whose objective was to protect its wearer from 5G. Indeed, this jewel was unfortunately radioactive according to Dutch researchers.

Radiation above current limits

In March 2021, we cited two studies that brought together and analyzed all the research on 5G technology. The conclusions are rather reassuring since they suggest that low-level radio waves do not represent a health hazard human. However, some unscrupulous businessmen do not hesitate to surf on the fears of people who still doubt this technology. A practice pointed out by a recent press release from the Dutch nuclear safety authority (ANVS) relating to the Quantum Pendant affair, which turned out to be a radioactive object. Unfortunately still available everywhere on the Web, this object is nothing more than an attractive-looking pendant that sometimes has the particularity of being sometimes presented as being anti-5G.

If the public's questions about 5G are completely legitimate, acquiring the famous pendant could cause irreversible damage to the body . Indeed, according to the Dutch researchers, the measurements revealed low levels of radiation on the products. Thus, a person wearing the object for a long time would be exposed to levels of radiation higher than the limit in force , at least in the Netherlands.

This anti-5G pendant is strongly discouraged due to its radioactivity

A conspiratorial trade

Unsurprisingly, the ANVS advised people who own the Quantum Pendant to give up wearing it . You should also know that this kind of trade is not a first. Indeed, so-called "electrosensitive" people are regularly targeted by some pretty wacky jewelry offers which are likely to contain substances without proven effects (volcanic ash, monazite, tourmaline and germanium), or even dangerous, because radioactive (uranium and thorium).

Since its appearance, 5G has been the subject of much criticism and has been linked to various conspiracies and other fake news . In April 2020, activists even damaged 5G equipment in the UK. These people believed that the cell towers in question had a link to the Covid-19 pandemic . 5G was also referenced in the highly controversial "documentary" Hold-Up, having been relayed and debugged extensively.