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They want to connect the human brain to a computer through the veins!

Elon Musk's Neuralink company aims to implant a chip the size of a small coin in human brains in order to connect them to machines . However, a team of Australian researchers offers another solution to achieve a similar result. It is a question of using the veins, a much less invasive alternative.

A new competitor for Neuralink

Created in 2016, Elon Musk's Neuralink company aims to increase human capacities in several ways. One of these ways is to use brain implants of direct neural interfaces for connection with machines. In August 2020, researchers mentioned a new brain implant being tested. Originally, the interface was to take the form of small electrodes implanted in the brain and connected to a device near the ear. Nevertheless, today we are talking about a chip the size of a small coin coins.

Particularly invasive, the Neuralink chip could see the emergence of a serious competitor. In a study published in the Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery on October 30, 2020 and piloted by the University of Melbourne (Australia), the researchers propose an alternative. It's about going through the veins to connect human brains to machines.

They want to connect the human brain to a computer through the veins!

Useful for paralyzed people

The technique is quite simple. The electrodes must first be introduced into a stent, that is to say an elastic stretchable tube, before inserting it into an artery leading to the brain. Researchers conducted an experiment on two paralyzed people and were able to route the electrode wire through a vein in the throat and then into a vessel near the primary motor cortex. The electrodes thus place themselves against the wall of the vessel and can begin to transmit signals, for example of movement. Finally, an infrared transmitter located in the chest is responsible for recovering these signals. After several weeks of training, the guinea pigs performed various manipulations using their thoughts alone . In particular, they were able to click to send SMS and make purchases on the Internet.

For neurologist Thomas Oxley, lead author of the study, stent technology has already proven itself in the cardiac and neurological field. The interested party explains that he only reused this function by adding electrodes to it. Convinced of their innovation, which they describe as non-invasive, the leaders of the study hope to be able to go to the marketing stage.

This reduction in the invasive side is of crucial importance insofar as the innovation of Australian researchers could well overshadow Neuralink . Finally, the scientists pointed out that their system was insufficient for neurological research. On the other hand, this one could be very useful for paralyzed people.