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Does prolonged wearing of the mask cause a lack of oxygen supply?

Social networks are full of fake news, especially regarding the wearing of masks. One of them advises removing the mask every ten minutes in order to breathe better. According to the publication, this method would prevent hypoxia as well as other important side effects.

A viral fake news

The Covid-19 pandemic will definitely have had its fair share of fake news. After fraudulent emails surfing on conspiratorial information and the destruction of 5G equipment supposedly linked to the coronavirus, masks are now the target. Circulating since May 2020, a post on Facebook has gone viral. According to the latter, prolonged use of the mask would cause hypoxia, that is to say a lack of oxygen supply in body tissues. There is even talk of cerebral hypoxia, in other words a low supply of oxygen to the brain. However, prolonged hypoxia can lead to loss of consciousness, coma and even brain death.

“What is recommended is to use it only if you have someone in front of you or very close, and it is important to remember to take it off every 10 minutes to continue feeling healthy” can we read at the end of the publication.

Does prolonged wearing of the mask cause a lack of oxygen supply?

No scientific basis

Asked by 20 Minutes , pulmonologist Jean-Philippe Santoni, of the Fondation du Souffle, indicated that there was no valid scientific study establishing a link between hypoxia and wearing a mask. The expert has indeed highlighted the fact that surgical masks and fabric masks let oxygen pass . In addition, the nursing staff have been wearing FFP2 masks for a long time and have never had any problems. The pulmonologist also claimed to regularly see patients with severe asthma. However, the consultations take place with masks without any problem.

Jean-Philippe Santoni even went so far as to use an oximeter in order to do a test on his own person. After five hours of intervention in an operating theater wearing an FFP2 mask, the latter saw no change about the oxygen level in his blood. But what is the origin of this fake news? It appears that the original text comes from an article published on May 3, 2020 in Vanguard News , a Nigerian daily.

Finally, in addition to the fact that it is fake news, this type of publication can generate anxiety in an already very anxiety-provoking health context.

This surgeon also did the test:

Does prolonged wearing of the mask cause a lack of oxygen supply?