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How much does a hearing aid cost? What mutual support?

How much does a hearing aid cost? What mutual support?

Six million people are hard of hearing in France, including a large proportion of seniors since hearing loss is one of the symptoms of aging. Only one third of those affected are equipped with a hearing aid according to the consumer association Que Choisir. Very often out of simple ignorance of the existence of such equipment that can help restore part of the hearing, but also for financial reasons. A hearing aid represents a significant cost. This is why the government has set up a “100% audiology health” plan to allow as many people as possible to equip themselves with such a device, while limiting costs. Mutuals also participate in covering the cost not reimbursed by Social Security.

What is a hearing aid used for?

Deafness, also called loss of hearing acuity, is one of the consequences of aging in seniors. This is called presbycusis. This disease causes a decrease in the ability to perceive sounds and can be disabling in everyday life. It causes a hearing loss of 0.5 decibels per year, on average, from the age of 65, one decibel from the age of 75, and two decibels per year from the age of 85.

In the elderly, the loss of hearing can even lead to isolation and, little by little, to the reduction of intellectual capacities.

This is why, as soon as a decrease in hearing appears, it is advisable to consult your doctor who directs his patients to an otolaryngologist (ENT) who performs a hearing assessment. If necessary, and depending on the case, this specialist can prescribe a hearing aid, more commonly known as hearing aids in the medical world.

There are many types of hearing aids, whether in their design (behind-the-ear, in-the-ear hearing aids, etc.) or their performance (battery or rechargeable), to be able to adapt perfectly the patient's hearing impairment. Once fitted, the hearing aid is subject to precise adjustments and measurements, periodic checks and personalized follow-up.

Mutual insurance, Social Security, what coverage?

Depending on the hearing aid needed and the model chosen by the patient, its price will vary significantly. The average price of such a prosthesis is indeed estimated at around 1,500 euros per ear. The basic Social Security reimbursement is around 200 euros, i.e. a remainder to be paid by the patient, often around 850 euros per equipped ear, even after reimbursement from their mutual insurance company.

So that the maximum number of people affected by a loss of hearing, in particular due to aging, can acquire a hearing aid, Social Security has significantly improved their basic reimbursement since 1 st January 2020 as part of a new scheme called “100% health”.

Thus, patients who choose to equip themselves with a hearing aid prescribed by a doctor and concerned by this device benefit from a reduction in the remaining charge per ear of 250 euros. This measure mainly concerns additional appliances listed on the “list of products and services (LPP)” available on the website. Note:audioprosthetists are obliged to offer patients and draw up an estimate that includes at least one hearing aid from this list.

The “100% health” system will evolve in the coming months:in 2021, all hearing aids affected by this system will be fully covered by health insurance and complementary health insurance. There will therefore no longer be a charge for the person who will be equipped with one of these hearing aids.

If you opt for a hearing aid that is not part of the list defined by the Social Security code, you benefit from the basic reimbursement of health insurance. You must then contact your mutual insurance company for reimbursement of the part that remains your responsibility. Obviously, the additional participation of your mutual depends on the contract you have taken out, but also on the category of prostheses acquired. Mutual reimbursements can vary between 150 euros and more than 2,000 euros depending on the type of cover, from basic to high-end.