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Common Foot Injuries and How to Treat Them

As the weather warms, we spend more time outside and become more active. It is important to pay special attention to your feet. Foot health contributes to your overall health. From beginners to advanced exercisers, good foot care is important to keep your body healthy. Whether you're training for a big race or a short hike, here are a few common injuries everyone should be aware of to keep your feet happy and healthy.

Plantar fasciitis Inflammation of your plantar fasciitis — a thick band of tissue in the arch of the foot — is one of the most common foot injuries for active individuals. Under normal circumstances, your plantar fascia helps absorb the shock of beating on the pavement. But repeated stretching can lead to inflammation and irritation and even small tears.

Plantar fasciitis can develop from overuse, as well as without an obvious cause. Foot mechanics ("being flat-footed" or having a high arch) can contribute to this condition. Other risk factors include being overweight, extra pressure on the feet or a job that keeps you going all day.

Most cases can be treated with rest, ice, and stretching to give the inflammation time to heal. In some cases, steroid injections and surgical procedures may be required to relieve this pain.

When exposed to constant friction and moisture, fluid collects between the upper and deeper layers of the skin. The fluid—sometimes blood—in a blister can initially act as a cushion, but as it grows it can be very painful. If it breaks open, it is also susceptible to infections.

This is where well-fitting shoes are important, as are socks. Walking into new shoes gradually can help prevent a blister. Socks that absorb sweat can also help.

If you notice a blister starting to form, apply a bandage or bandage to the skin to prevent further irritation. If you notice that the blister is getting bigger or more painful, or if you notice redness around the blister, you should have it examined for an infection by a podiatrist.

Toe Injuries
Speaking of shoes, if yours doesn't fit right, your feet can slide forward with every step. This constant tapping can damage your toenail, causing it to bleed. Shoes aren't just for fashion - because your feet absorb more force than any other part of the body when you run, your shoes are the best protection. Sometimes the toenails turn black, which is basically bruising and blood build-up and it can get really painful.

Make sure your shoes fit properly. Remember, shoes that are too big can be just as much of a problem as shoes that are too small. And keep your toenails trimmed to avoid these injuries.

Sprains, Strains and Tendonitis A sprain is a soft tissue injury, usually occurring by overstretching ligaments that connect bones to bones. Strains and tendonitis, or swelling, are common with overuse and may be related to abnormal foot mechanics or structure. People with a sprain or strain may experience swelling and localized pain with activity. Rest, ice, compression, elevation – is a good first line of treatment.

Stress fractures
A fracture is a break in the bone – and as the name suggests, it occurs because of repeated stress on your bone. Swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking are all signs that you may have a stress fracture. The Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation method is also helpful for these injuries. However, if pain, swelling, or bruising persists, make an appointment with a podiatrist to make sure your activity doesn't cause further damage.