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Today I really start:how is my elimination race going?

It's been a while since I chatted about the fact that I could lose a few kilos. To be specific, I said then… today I'm really starting. And so did I. But short-lived. Today I start really changed quickly into tomorrow I start. Really.

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Today I really start

A lot of weeks have already passed and those were (are) not the easiest I can say. I also mention that as a 'reason' for the delay in my elimination race. What a lot of shit can happen. And now you shouldn't think that I'm completely in sackcloth, but every now and then it does go a bit less. @#HF%%^%

My new year's resolution to lose a few pounds arose around the third week of the new year, two months ago. And I got off to an excellent start in the first weeks with -3 kilos in less than two weeks. Then came my winter sports and that's where things went wrong. In several respects.

Even though I started my winter sports holiday with friends slowly (no snacks in between, balanced meals also at noon and not too much drink), on the last day things went wrong. Then I tore my cruciate ligament and from that moment on the fence of the dam. Today I really start turned into 'tomorrow I really start'. And the next day, tomorrow was tomorrow again. If you know what I mean.


Fat fat procrastination. That is it. I used to be very strict with myself. Quit smoking? No point. I envisioned it and I did it. Stop snacking? no problem. To run? Yes it is. I just got up at 6am, went for a run and then cycled another 12 miles to work. But things have changed since I turned 40. Today I really start I still call. But after that, things go wrong. I'll start, very seriously in fact. For a couple weeks. And then something happens again that makes me slack in my intentions.

What's going through my head

  • Ah, that one glass of wine can't hurt
  • Only today, because we have a nice dinner together, that was so long ago
  • What a shitty day today... where's the chocolate?
  • An ordinary sandwich is possible once, right? Tomorrow the bread of my diet plan again
  • Well… you can't really move now, can you…

What I do

Sometimes I really roam around the house for something tasty. I check the candy drawer… check the chip bin and fish out the leftovers that are still somewhat edible. Too old, but it's something so I'll deal with it. It can make me grumpy when there's nothing there, or when my little eating monsters have finished everything. Otherwise it is exactly the same. If they know there's something in the house, but I'm ahead of them… they sometimes just go wrong again. Do they look at me reproachfully and I just think … tomorrow I really start.

Yeah right. When will that button flip again? Tomorrow I really start again today I really start. When can I be so hard on myself again that I'm really trying to shed the pounds? Every year in the spring, I resolve to get in better shape again. For me it will really have to be the mix between snacking less, not drinking wine and exercising. Otherwise it really won't work.

Normally I can come up with all kinds of excuses not to exercise, but now I can't do anything. Maybe that fitness hoop to lose weight isn't such a bad idea after all. That should work with that knee now, right? The 5 minute shaper I used is now waiting, I can't do anything with it until my knee can bend again. And that will take a while I'm afraid...

How then?

A while ago Marjolijn came over for coffee. She did the Cambridge Diet a few years ago and wrote about it. And how good she looked! I can't remember how many kilos she has lost, but if I can't live up to it myself this summer, I'm going to inquire about that too.

Or possibly losing weight through low-carbohydrate diets, as Linda did and of which she reported extensively for us. She lost 44.5 kilos! I still have the Foodsisters' stuff here. Also something I can work with.

And when I think at the end of this blog… today I really start… I hear the front door open and the man comes home. He tosses a bag of Easter eggs on my desk. Because I don't feel so well.

The treasure.