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Canned or Frozen Vegetables:Which is Better?

Canned or Frozen Vegetables:Which is Better?

Want to know which is better between canned or frozen vegetables ?

It is true that this is a question that everyone asks.

Fortunately, here is a clear answer.

Frozen vegetables retain vitamins, minerals and nutrients much better than canned ones:

Canned or Frozen Vegetables:Which is Better?


Canning vegetables requires a temperature of over 100°C to eliminate all germs.

As a result, most of the most fragile vitamins such as vitamin C are destroyed.

But canned vegetables still have some benefits. First of all, the heat increases the content of carotenoids.

So, for vegetables that are rich in them such as carrots, spinach and tomato puree, it is better to choose canned.

Another advantage of canning is that its ecological impact is lower than freezing.

Indeed, it consumes electricity to freeze vegetables! In addition, canned food is much easier to recycle than frozen food packaging that ends up burnt.

And you, which do you prefer frozen or canned vegetables? Tell us in comments.