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A Superb Mine With my Lavender Exfoliator!

A Superb Mine With my Lavender Exfoliator!

Do you look bad? With my homemade lavender and almond exfoliant, it'll be fine. Find a superb mine in two stages, three movements.

Tired of the greyness, the cold, the snow, and then the rain. And above all, tired of this tired face that everyone notices.

"What's wrong with you? Are you tired at the moment? How bad you look...". Yes, that's always nice to hear. Especially since no, I'm not tired.

Never mind, I just found a recipe to create my homemade exfoliant and look good. The others will just have to behave the next time I see them with their pale complexion, when I have a perfect complexion (no, I'm not resentful...).

Only 5 Min To Mix Ingredients

With this cold, I intend to get a makeover by exfoliating my face regularly. My skin will be clear again.

The recipe is not mine, it comes from the naturopath Chalifoux.

- 1 ounce of dried lavender (impeccable for the good smell and its soothing properties)

- 1/4 cup of almonds (me, I take ground almonds, at least it's already well crushed!)

- 1/4 cup rolled oats

These 3 ingredients will create the necessary material for an exfoliant worthy of the name.

I add Water and I Massage my Face

Once these 3 ingredients are mixed, keep them in a nice jar, like a glass jam jar for example. This amount will keep you looking great for 2 months.

1. Is it time to exfoliate your face? In this case, I take a small amount of my dry mix, and add water . Be careful, not too much, this should give a fairly solid and compact dough. . I leave the rest in my jam jar, it will keep very well that way.

2. I pass this paste on my face and perform a light circular massage for a few minutes. And then I rinse with clean water.

A Completely Purified Skin

I perform this beauty gesture once or twice a week. I see it, day by day, my skin is more beautiful, fresher.

Besides, since I perform this ritual, everyone thinks I look good. "It seems to be better, you. You look in great shape!". I got them with my recipe, don't you think?

And you, what is the recipe for your homemade exfoliant to look good? Are you going to test this one? Give me your impressions in the comments.